The Brownsburg Education Foundation (BEF) was formed in 1987 as an incorporated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As one of the first local public school foundations in Indiana, we were founded as a separate organization from the BCSC. Our volunteer community members, parents, educators, and business leaders have joined together to invest in our children’s future. We are fully aware that our accomplishments are not simply attributable to the Board leadership or hard-working volunteers. We have grown and prospered only because we have found some great friends and sponsors who have given us loyal support along the way.
Our Impact:
The Foundation serves more than 10,400 children and 580 teachers in thirteen BCSC buildings.
We are Enhancing Education Together!
We have:
Awarded more than $2,800,000 in grants and scholarships since we were formed.
Established a growing endowment of more than $1,100,000.
Budgeted over $200,000 to award to the students and staff of BCSC in 2024.
We are eager to hear from you! Please let us know if you have any questions about what we do or how we raise funds.
Contact information:
Rene Behrend, Executive Director
Brownsburg Education Foundation
310 South Stadium Drive
Brownsburg, IN 46112
Phone: 317-852-1056
E-mail: BEF@brownsburg.k12.in.us
BEF Office Hours:
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Closed Monday and Friday